Make our unique position to your advantage! Because of the history of our company-group we feel at home in both countries, Austria and Russia. We speak the language of your destination country - linguistically and culturally. We maintain good wide-ranging contacts and offer a highly professional support in your entry into a CIS market. We establish contact with key people and also identify potential partners in your branch-field.
We are very well integrated in public as well as in private sectors and therefore we know, how to create a customized solution for your individual goal. The analysis of your target market forms the basis for the responsible use of investment resources and for secure budget decisions.
Beside analysis of economic facts & figures for a successful international cooperation it is essential to keep in mind cultural and country-specific characteristics. Especially in Eastern Europe, it is often a meaningful decision to find the right tone, to show respect, to be treated the way you want oneself.
If your employees have never had to do with the new culture, let us train them, it's worth it!
"Biotechnology in the economic development of regions" and XIV International Specialized Exhibition “Biotech World'...